Yediot Ahronot in Hebrew and English

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Yediot Ahronot in Hebrew
Yediot Ahronot in Hebrew

Yediot Ahronot is an evening daily Israeli newspaper. It is considered one of the most popular Israel newspapers, if not the most popular ever.

Meaning of Yediot Ahronot in Hebrew

Yediot Ahronot in Hebrew means “latest news”, or literally “news latest”. In the Hebrew language, nouns come before verbs, unlike in English.
Yediot = ידיעות = news
Ahronot (pronounced Achronot) = אחרונות = latest
With that said, here is how you write Yediot Ahronot in Hebrew:

ידיעות אחרנות

Yedioth Ahronoth Israeli Newspaper Logo
Logo of Yediot Ahronot in Hebrew

Early history of Yediot Ahronot:

Old Issue of Yediot Ahronot in Hebrew
Old Issue of Yediot Ahronot in Hebrew

Yediot Ahronot is one of the oldest Israel newspapers, first published in 1939. That makes it around 9 years older than the State of Israel itself! (it was published in what was known as the British Mandate of Palestine).
Nachum Kumarov (an investor) has established Yediot Ahronot in 1939. It was at that time the only evening newspaper in the Mandate of Palestine.
Yehuda Mozes (a rich land dealer) bought the newspaper and his sons (Reuben and Nach) ran it. Today Arnon Mozes (son of Noah Mozes) is the head of Yediot Ahronot Group.

Political Alignment of Yediot Ahronot:

Yediot Ahronot Israeli Newspaper Headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Yediot Ahronot Israeli Newspaper Headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel.

The newspaper identifies itself as a centrist and independent newspaper, still many “accuse” it of leaning more towards the left.
It is easy to spot that sometimes to be honest, when you look at their “Da’ot” section (or Opinions), you can hardly find someone who writes right-wing kind of article. Most of the opinions there are more to the left (like this one I read today)
Still, unlike Haaretz which is read mainly by secular and leftist Israelis, Yediot Ahronot sells to everybody! It is by far one of the most popular newspapers in Israel and in the entire Middle East.
Yediot Ahronot sells around 300 thousand copies during weekdays and double that number during weekends.

Read Yediot Ahronot Online

Here are a the latest 10 stories from Yediot Ahronot English website (


And here are the latest 10 stories from Yediot Ahronot in Hebrew:


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